Thursday, June 11, 2009

Days Go By.....

So here is yet another house update for anyone who is interested!

After weeks of being told, "Loan Docs Tomorrow" and numerous issues, we finally got to sign loan documents!!! We were so relieved and excited. As most of you know, I have worked in real estate. Well, in my experience, you sign loan docs and it "funds" the next day and then records the following day and YOU GET KEYS TO YOUR NEW HOME!!!!! But, it turns out that's not the way it works for us ;)

We signed loan docs last Wednesday and the lending company is still dragging their feet on completing their file so that the loan can fund. What Justin and I have been put through in the last month has been an absolute nightmare. To all of the people involved, it may be just another days work but for us, it has been an emotional and stressful roller coaster ride. We are both so burnt out and frustrated.

Yesterday, I called the corporate office for the lending company and spoke to their Operations Manager. She took our file home last night to work on it and called us at 10:00pm to go through it with us. There are only a few missing items keeping us from closing... only one of which was needed from us. The other items they need from the builder and escrow. It was so nice to feel like someone was FINALLY trying to help us put an end to all of this.

My mom is constantly reminding me that it is always darkest before the dawn and that you never see a rainbow until after the rain. Justin and I have been through so much with our living situation over the last four years. We have never been through anything more stressful than this. I cannot tell you how many times in this last week I have been ready to just walk away. Walk away from the house we watched be built from the ground up. Walk away from all of the details and options that we chose to make it our home. But when I lay in bed at night I can see Justin and Chloe making pancakes in that kitchen like they do on Justin's days off. I can see their bedrooms painted and decorated. I believe there will be a rainbow after this storm.

I was reminded by Bonnie that we are so blessed to be in the position to buy a home right now in times where so many families have have lost theirs. When I think about it that way I am overwhelmed by how blessed we truly are. So, we will see what this next week holds. I know that once we have the keys to our home, none of this will matter any more.


  1. Your mom is right when she says that before there is a rainbow their always has to be rain! Patience is very hard to endure especially when it's over someone elses "dropping the ball" I'm looking forward to pix of the new house while you guys are in it! God is good and knows exactly what you need and he always provides it when you need it!

  2. oh i can imagine how frustrating that is! the enemy always tries to get in the way of God's plans for us. one thing dathan told me when i was going through trouble like this about going back to school he said "erica, remember which decision gave you peace to start with- going back to school, or not?" it's so true! sometimes it's hard to discern between the enemy coming against us or the Lord putting a stop to something but just remember what gave you peace to start with! you will have your beautiful home soon!

  3. hey girlie, well that sure is stinkie!!! but I am sure it will all work out and then when it is done and over it wont ever really matter in teh grand scheme of life. BTW your babies are getting soooooo big!!


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