Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Rainbow After The Storm

We are officially homeowners!!!! Words I thought I'd never say! It is an incredible ending to the story too.

By Friday I was so discouraged and felt like I was ready to just walk away. We had jumped through so many hoops and done so much work. The underwriter didn't like some of the documentation we had given showing where the funds came from for our down payment and closing costs. I didn't know what more they wanted from us. I called my Mom and was hysterical so she prayed with me and I knew that it was time to just let go and let God.

I was so at peace when I woke up Saturday morning. It was the weekend so there was no waiting by the phone and no jumping through hoops. I just enjoyed the day with my family. Saturday night one of Justin's co-workers came over and said something about how they had gotten paid early. When we check the account that night we were both stunned. Justin's paycheck was $1000.00 over what we were expecting!!!! And, the full amount was the EXACT number that the underwriter had asked us to document!!!!! I knew in that instant that the Lord was telling us that he was still there and in control. Sunday at church, Worship was amazing. By the time I got home I felt so refreshed and just at peace.

Monday morning when I woke up, I knew that the loan was going to fund that day and that it would happen early in the day. It wouldn't be another day full of waiting and anxiety. Sure enough I spoke with the lending company that morning and she told me that they just needed to see Justin's paycheck. When I told her the amount, she said, "NO WAY!!! Well that's an answer to prayers!" She was just as excited as we were. Once I sent the proof of the deposit she personally walked the file to the funder to fund the loan. By 2:00pm the loan had funded!!!

Getting the keys today was the most amazing feeling in the world and it still doesn't really feel real. We didn't get the keys until late in the day so we got the window coverings on and the fridge in place and that was about it for today and we are staying at Justins moms for the night. Tomorrow when we have all our beds and things there we will spend the first night as a family in our new home.


  1. Congratulations hun!!!! I am sooooo very happy for you guys that it finally all worked out! How exciting for you all!! Now we need to have you a house warming party! lol
    my love to you and the family

  2. congrats carli! i am soooo excited for you! can't wait to see pics :)


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