Friday, May 22, 2009

So Much Has Changed...

Wow! So much has changed since I wrote the first blog!!!! Let me bring you up to speed....

Cody Michael

Cody Michael was born September 16, 2009. He was 8lbs 1oz and 19.5 inches long. I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by the second time around! He is now 8 months and he is such a joy! He is a VERY easy baby and happy all the time. He is a speedy crawler and pulls himself up on anything and everything. He is beginning to stand on his own and maneuver from one piece of furniture to another. He is without a doubt the final piece that completed the Boosalis family!

Chloe Sophia

Chloe just turned 3 in February! It is so much fun to watch her grow and blossom into such an amazing little girl. She has the greatest imagination and LOVES any interaction with other children. Sunday School is one of her favorite activities. She loves riding her big girl bike and playing outside. She is an amazing big sister and there has not been an jealousy shown towards Cody. In fact, no one can make Cody laugh the way his big sister can!
Family News

We are finally buying our first home! As most of you probably know, Justin and I have been through SO MUCH with our living arrangements over the last four years. There have been a few unsuccessful attempts at home ownership and 10 moves in all.... 10 moves in 4 years!!!!! CRAZY! But this will be the last for quite some time. It's a brand new house and we got to go to the design studio and choose everything we wanted in our home. Watching it go from a dirt lot to our home was amazing and exciting. Right now we are a bit discouraged to be almost 2 weeks past our original closing date but we are almost there. It will be so worth it in the end!

So that's a quick update on the Boosalis family! I will be updating the blog more often so check back to see what new and exciting adventures we are up to!

1 comment:

  1. yay for turning your comments on :) your family is so cute! can't wait to hear of all the fun stuff you guys are doing!


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